Public Knowledge Folders of Kavitha Komatineni

4th grade science     summary
4th grade technology     summary
Book 1     summary
Book2     summary
Book3     summary
Book5     summary
00.00 How to prepare your child for FCAT (11-Jun-08)
01. multiplication by 10s, 100s, and 1000s (9-May-08)
02. Multiplication of numbers with ending zeroes (10-Mar-08)
03. Multiplication of numbers with ending zeroes: Extended Exercise (12-May-08)
04. Measuring Capacity 1 (12-May-08)
05. Measurement review (12-May-08)
06. How to measure capacity (12-May-08)
10.01 Position Values, missing terms in equations (12-May-08)
10.02 Rounding, Position Values (12-May-08)
10.03 Two variable relationships, rounding (12-May-08)
10.04 Table relationships, Elevator problems (12-May-08)
10.05 Just Rounding (12-May-08)
10.06 More rounding, ending 9s (12-May-08)
10.07 A sample test from florida department of education (24-May-08)
A sample graph paper (12-May-08)
Ernest Shackleton     summary
Math Vocabulary     summary
My stories     summary
my words     summary
Poems     summary
Resources     summary
Science Vocabulary     summary