
Next week I would like your child to bring in a favorite book they have read. They should be able to show and tell the title, author, and main character

Please have your child collect acorns in a ziploc bag and bring them to school next Tuesday. We will use them in the science lab.

For the complte report click on the above link.

Important date

Fall program: Over in the rain forest. Friday Oct 31st, 9AM Auditorium. Please reserve the date and time to enjoy seeing your lizard perform in the rain forest!


Each child will be assigned a fall rhyme to recite on their sharing day next week. Please practice the rhyme attached. I am also attaching the sharing schedule.


The Weekly sharing is homework and is expected.


Please see the flyer from scholastic book club. We will be participating in this service project. Please send in a note with the title of the book you and your child have read and they will be able to color in one part of our graph for each book read until the class reaches 100 books.

For the complte report click on the above link.


  1. No sharing this week
  2. Don't forget the rainforest friday at 9AM
  3. Send the book reads from the Scholastic Book club


  1. No sharing this week
  2. Counting upto 51 back and forth
  3. Counting by 10s until 50
  4. Writing numbers
  5. Rhyming
  • You need to return the home work sheets on Monday.
  • Sharing is due on the respective sharing day.
  • Home work for letter F.
  • New words: for, said, me, yes, _et, _est
  • Home work for letter G.
  • New words: for, said, me, yes, _et, _est
  • No home work for spring break.
  • Dad's beack day May 24th
  • Share a tool this week
  • Dad's beack day May 24th
  • Grand parents day on April 14th

9) Miscelleaneous


Collected from the missing reports