0) Recipies Journal (10-Apr-23)
1) Mediterranean food (3-Jan-23)
5) Red lentils, Okra, Spinach, String beans (5-Jun-22)
6) My Perfect Sandwich, so far (28-Dec-21)
7) What to do with Canned Salmon? (4-Sep-20)
8) What to do with frozen Okra? (4-Sep-20)
9) What to do with Coconut Milk (26-Jun-20)
10) Start to finish Veggie: 10 minutes tops (23-Jun-17)
11) 4989 What to do with Costco size Tilapia or Salmon (2-Aug-16)
12) 4988 Butternut Squash (2-Aug-16)
13) 4987 Sauteing Salad Shrimp with Onions (2-Aug-16)
14) 4986 Currying Salad Shrimp quickly (2-Aug-16)
15) Brown Rice, Veggies, and Fish that Kids like in less than 30 minutes! (9-Jul-14)
16) How to cook Kidney beans for a better taste (12-Jan-14)
20) A fastway to cook Eggplant (3-May-13)
22) Calorie for calorie we take less from raw almonds (27-Aug-12)
23) When should I put tomatoes, cooking chicken? (21-May-12)
24) Wines, should I ever need to buy one! (21-May-12)
26) I should spare jealousy when I cook shrimp (8-Apr-11)
27) Reduced calorie intake helps mice live longer (9-Jan-10)
28) Muscle burns fat 12 times more.... (9-Jan-10)
29) Snacking before meals (9-Jan-10)
30) How to cook canned Royal Red Salmon (20-May-09)
31) Croissant and Smoked Turkey Sandwich (20-May-09)
32) How to cook Spaghetti and Meat (11-May-09)
33) Carrots, Sweet Peas, and a Pack of boneless Chicken thighs (15-Aug-08)
34) Eating Yogurt and other abnormalities (31-May-08)
35) An attempt at making tandoori chicken (16-May-08)
36) How to make tuna edible for children's lunches (1-May-08)
37) Making something out of sweet peas and cubed paneer (16-Aug-07)
38) Sauteing Brocoli and Cauliflower (3-Apr-07)
39) A shortcut to Okra (7-Feb-07)
40) Making up as you go: Lots of onions, a potato and a can of peas (8-Jul-04)
41) Not too dry, not too soggy: A decent trail mix (3-Jul-04)