Understanding Parts 2020

Various Aspire utils classes

How do I create settings for a database?

Use typefaces to objectify configuration

4) Aspire Basics


Aspire Basics

Nature of Objects in Aspire - journal

what are main topics to work on for akc?

Go to git when possible

Folders and tags are typically used to classify documents. This classification can then be used when displaying that document. Sometimes a document may want to dictate how it wants to be displayed: for example to show what are the related documents.

The dependent documents may not be aware of the main document that wants to pull them together. However when they are displayed in the context of the requested document they honor that context and show the links coming from the main document.

It may be possible to do this with dedicated tags or folders for that matter. (Something to think further in the design)

Notes on Tweaking Aspire

10) Aspire Release 39


Aspire Release 39

Example data definition for a sample html page

12) A sample akc html page


A sample akc html page

Make parts a separate folder in aspire docs

Quick references for client side widgets

15) Aspire Design Guidelines


Aspire Design Guidelines

Notes on multipart implementation

Use this structure for the new ai website

This article should answer the following questions or have the topics that include

What are client side widgets?
What are template servers?
What is the architecture?
Can you show me some diagrams?
What tools did you use?
Are there code snippets for important concepts?
Role of CSS in template servers?
What essential CSS do I need to learn?
What are the files that this architecture is implemented in?
  Javascript filenames
  Files in the CMS
Are there synergisitic technologies that already address this?
Are there other technologies that already do this available to public?
what are the limitations at the moment?
How can this be further improved?
What is the future?

Widget implementation. Holds js files that were originally used. See the uploaded files link when logged-in to see the files.

Work on editable lists for online blogs

Aspire AKC portal allows you to define a custom home page URL. This file documents how to specify a home page in your multi-tenanted account and also possibly use a different background for the homepage.

22) Tagged menus


Tagged menus

This document is useful for customizing akc inner master page. I will document later all the details. For now this is just a reference.

Implementation notes and documentation on how I have implemented client side widgets on this site and AKC in general. At a high level I use aspire, jquery, jquery jsrender, akc xmltojson, and plain html divs.

25) test tagged menus


test tagged menus

Deal with in clauses in SQL Server

Formalize microtemplating engine in Aspire

Content types in Generic Transformations

30) List design


List design

31) Log settings in aspire


Log settings in aspire

Example of an exception based update

33) New Aspire Releases


New Aspire Releases

34) Programming Notes


Programming Notes

Nature of Aspire: CollectionToBooleanConverter

36) Plan end game for akc


Plan end game for akc

find an easy way to introduce functions

allow for public and private master pages

find a way to alter master transform

Provide template editing for documents