10-Aug-05 (Created: 10-Aug-05) | More in 'OSCON-2004'

OSCON 2005 in brief


  1. Damian Conway, Perl
  2. Robert Lang, Origamic Mathematician
  3. Danny O'Brien, Social Commentary
  4. Larry Wall, Creator of Perl
  5. Dick Hardt, Identity 2.0, www.sxip.com
  6. Saul Grifith, Squid labs, Howtoons
  7. Drew Endy, Analysis, Design, and Synthesis of Biological Systems
  8. Weather in Portland


  1. ActionStep UI Components for Flash, Osflash.org
  2. Ruby
  3. Sitemesh (An aggregator for web page design similar to portals)
  4. Derby (Apache database)
  5. Subversion (Next stage of CVS)

Significant Languages

  1. Ruby
  2. Python
  3. Groovy

Open source databases

  1. PostgreSQL
  2. Mysql
  3. Apache Derby

Other Interesting Technologies

  1. xul and mozilla, and app development
  2. sqlite
  3. snort
  4. PostgreSQL
  5. ajax
  6. mono
  7. Sitemesh
  8. Jetty
  9. Blojsom
  10. Tapestry
  11. Make
  12. Codezoo
  13. Google labs
  14. pmd
  15. checkstyle
  16. jalopy
  17. jcoverage
  18. jdepend
  19. Sprog
  20. Firefox
  21. Webdav
  22. Quotient Server
  23. RSS and Atom