1) Books Quick links (23-Oct-21)
2) The Emperor of All Melodies (31-May-17)
3) Linda Minatoya: Strangeness of Beauty (31-May-17)
4) Tobias Wolff: This Boy's life (31-May-17)
5) To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf (22-May-17)
7) The Last Lecture (19-Apr-17)
9) When Breath Becomes Air (19-Apr-17)
11) I need to read Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot (2-Feb-14)
12) In Code: A Mathematical Journey by Sarah Flannery (13-Dec-13)
13) Lean Analytics by Alistair Croll (7-Aug-13)
14) #GreatWriters Nannapaneni Narayana Rao on Electro Magnetism (8-May-13)
15) Lensey Namioka (24-Jan-13)
16) Atul Gawande: Checklist Manifesto (11-Jun-12)
17) Tell me a good book in Java (2-Jun-12)
18) #GreatePlaces VS Krishna Memorial Library Visakhapatnam! (1-May-12)
19) #GreatWriters James Gosling First Edition of Java Programming Language (1-May-12)
20) #GreatWriters Stroustroup on C Prorgramming Language (ARM) (1-May-12)
21) #GreatWriters Kernighan and Ritchie on C programming language (1-May-12)
22) #GreatWriters Resnick and Halliday on Physics (1-May-12)
23) #GreatWriters Kresig On Engineering Mathematics (1-May-12)
24) #GreatWriters: Van Valkenburg on Electric Circuits (1-May-12)
25) The mandatory Steve Jobs (24-Mar-12)
26) Thinking, Fast and Slow (24-Feb-12)
27) Children: How to train your dragon - Cressida Cowell (29-Jun-11)
28) Ralph Masiello: Dragon Drawing Book (12-May-11)
29) book: Riding Freedom is an engaging read (4-Sep-10)
30) book: Loosing my cool by Thomas Williams (19-Jun-10)
31) book: the education of american dreamer (24-Jun-09)
32) book: Seven Pleasures by Willard Spiegelman (1-May-09)
33) book: Isaac Rosenberg by Jean Moorcroft Wilson (6-Apr-09)
34) Books by Art Linkletter (24-Mar-09)
35) book: Lafcadio Hearn: American Writings (21-Mar-09)
36) Book: Pugin and the Building of Romantic Britain (21-Mar-09)
37) book: Why evolution is true (2-Feb-09)
38) Book: Terrestrial Energy by William Tucker (16-Dec-08)
41) More IQ Testing (26-Aug-08)
42) In the company of Giants (26-Aug-08)
43) How the web was won (26-Aug-08)
44) How Brains think (26-Aug-08)
45) Changing Minds (26-Aug-08)
46) Book Report: Banker to the poor (29-Jun-07)
47) book: The ballad of the white horse by G.K.Chesterton, 1911 (21-Apr-07)