Powershell Coding Journal 2
Powershell Coding Journal 2
Built in operators
- -eq: Equal to
- -ne: Not equal to
- -gt: Greater than
- -ge: Greater than or equal to
- -lt: Less than
- -le: Less than or equal to
- -like: Match using wildcard comparison
- -notlike: Not match using wildcard comparison
- -match: Match using regular expression
- -notmatch: Not match using regular expression
- -contains: Contains
- -notcontains: Does not contain
- -in: In
- -notin: Not in
- -and: Logical AND
- -or: Logical OR
- -not: Logical NOT
- -band: Bitwise AND
- -bor: Bitwise OR
- -bxor: Bitwise XOR
- -bnot: Bitwise NOT
- -shl: Bitwise shift-left
- -shr: Bitwise shift-right
- -split: Splits a string into an array
- -join: Joins an array into a string
- -is: Is of type
- -isnot: Is not of type
- -as: Converts to a specified type