Optimized for Mobile

This web page will help you to install various versions of the unscramble mobile game for Android.

This is currently being tested before going into the market place.

Here is the version1 of the APK file

Here is the version1 of the APK file

Here is the web version of it

Here is the web version of it

Here is version 2 of the apk file

Here is version 2 of the apk file

Here is version 3 of the apk file

This version contains optimized web help by controlling the view port of the web page.

Here is version 4 of the apk file

This has a fix for device rotation where the app is destroying the data and starting all over again. Now it keeps the data even after rotation.

Here is Release 2 Version 5 of the apk file

Note this is a new release with a different branch. The focus here is to SAVE what the user is solving. Every new word is saved. words can be tagged as solved. Two new activities: Saved and Solved. Users can use these activities to pick words to play again. The words are saved the latest first so that you see your most recent words first.