2-Sep-08 (Created: 2-Sep-08) | More in 'temp-private'

Ongoing questions list

Is there a good mailing list for high level java questions with manageable traffic?

What is the difference between java collections and commons collections?

>> Wednesday, August 25, 2004 1:46:42 PM - Comments by satya

When should I use inner classes?

It is nice to hide them for encapsulation reasons. But they have an unsavory syntax for instantiating them

ex: class x { class y {} };
x = new x();
y = x.new y();

This is because the inner class uses a hidden reference to the parent.

Look into this in a bit more detail and see if some guidelines can be provided.

>> Thursday, August 26, 2004 11:16:37 AM - Comments by satya

Is there a cost difference between instantiating a class with lots of methods and a class that only has a few or no methods?

It is possible to think that a class with differeing data requirements may have different cost for instantiating them. What about different method numbers?