Android News

Are there any charting packages for Android (research)

It is finally here!!

Pro Android 2 is a detailed look at (java based) application development on Google's Mobile OS published by APress. The book is written by Sayed Hashimi, Satya Komatineni., and Dave MacLean. This book covers the Android API all the way to its current public release which is 2.1.

You can read more at this link.

It is available at

cocos2d for Android

According to the site

cocos2d for Android is a framework for building 2D games, demos and other graphical/interactive applications. It is based on the cocos2d-iphone design: it uses the same API, but instead of using objective-c, it uses java.

3) Android 2.1 Released


Summary of the newly released Android 2.1 SDK

Gets a new API level 7
Released in Jan 2010
Minor platform release to 2.0
A new API for developing animated wall papers
Changes in Telephony that deals with signal strength
Few changes to Views including Remote Views
New webstorage methods to support HTML5
Ability to get/set geolocations from webview
work with settings for webstorage, appcache
new methods for handling web video, browsing history, custom views

This information is extracted from the following google url