AKC Internal

0) Revamp the akc login process (21-Aug-20)

1) Enhance Folder view (14-Mar-19)

2) Implement direct edit (16-Aug-17)

3) Implement edit a section (26-Jul-17)

4) Please provide a date when displaying an article (3-Jul-17)

5) Provide an aspiredataset reader and writer (26-Jun-17)

6) Enable the entire site for Mobile (18-Jun-17)

7) Implement a micro task scheduler (18-Jun-17)

8) Working with AKC locally: specs (12-Jun-17)

9) What do I do with AKC? (1-Jun-17)

10) Immediate AKC work: May 2017 (31-May-17)

11) Port AKC to Amazon Cloud (5-May-15)

12) working with akc: local and on server and backups (14-Jun-14)

13) aspire/akc bugs that need to be worked on soon (25-Jul-13)

14) akc: Implement tags (20-Nov-12)

15) enahancements to akc (29-Mar-12)

16) akc work 2011 (2-Nov-11)

17) move akc (31-Aug-10)

18) akc: showcase someone elses folder (20-Feb-10)

19) akc: A mini parser project (9-Feb-10)

20) akc: share a folder (5-Feb-10)

21) akc: integrate blogs (5-Feb-10)

22) aspire: implment folder child html segments (6-Apr-09)

23) aspire: General Structure of an AKC html page (6-Apr-09)

24) working with akc (24-Oct-07)