28-Dec-12 (Created: 28-Dec-12) | More in 'Android Data Storage'

GSON JSON for Mobile App Storage

You will be surprised how GSON can propel your mobile app productivity especially release 1 candidates. In this approach you will represent the persistent state of your apps as JSON. You will use the "Beautiful" tool called GSON from google to convert your application objects to JSON and persist the resulting JSON string either in a shared preference or on internal storage as files.

This approach is really suitable for writing apps really quick. It is not unreasonable to release apps with in 1 to 2 weeks once you get seasoned at this. This would probably take a month or two otherwise. You may get a 2 to 3 times advantage on simpler apps.

Even when you consider complex apps you may get significant advantage while you are prototyping the idea and test it out on a limited release.

This semi article which will eventually be part of our upcoming Expert Android book documents the necessary elements and present the code snippets and answers the questions I ran into as we researched this topic.