8-Dec-04 (Created: 8-Dec-04) | More in 'Howto-Advanced'

Source code of ValueDecoderPart1

package com.ai.parts;

import com.ai.application.interfaces.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.ai.application.utils.*;
import com.ai.common.*;

 * For a given key and value, decode the value similar to databases
 * Additional property file arguments
 * 1. decodeKeyName=
 * 2. defaultValue=
 * 3. translate.=
 * 4. n number of translates allowed
 * 5. If there is no translation for a value then nothing will get inserted
 * Output
 * 1.resultName: Name of the key under which the above translation will go
 * If the resultName is the same then it gets overwritten

public class ValueDecoderPart1 extends AFactoryPart
    protected Object executeRequestForPart(String requestName, Map inArgs)
            throws RequestExecutionException
          String decodeKeyName = AppObjects.getValue(requestName + ".decodeKeyName");
          String defaultValue = AppObjects.getValue(requestName + ".defaultValue");

	    String decodeKeyValue = (String)inArgs.get(decodeKeyName.toLowerCase());
	    //if null
	    if (decodeKeyValue == null)
			return SubstitutorUtils.generalSubstitute(defaultValue,new MapDictionary(inArgs));
	    //if empty, white space
	    if (decodeKeyValue.equals(""))
			return SubstitutorUtils.generalSubstitute(defaultValue,new MapDictionary(inArgs));

		//value exists
		String translatedValue = AppObjects.getValue(requestName + ".translate." + decodeKeyValue,null);
		if (translatedValue == null)
			AppObjects.info(this,"No translation available for:" + decodeKeyValue);
			return decodeKeyValue;

		//translated Value exists
		return SubstitutorUtils.generalSubstitute(translatedValue ,new MapDictionary(inArgs));
       catch(ConfigException x)
          throw new RequestExecutionException("Error:config error",x);