
Junit API

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JUnit API reference

Casting generic types in Java generics

Search for: Casting generic types in Java generics

Good read on restrictions on generics: Java docs

    * Understant type casting of generics
    * Due to the nature of a single class instance
   private void test7()
      GenericPair<Integer, Integer> intPair = 
            new GenericPair<Integer, Integer>(4,5);
      GenericPair<String, String> stringPair = 
            new GenericPair<String, String>("4","5");
      GenericPair<Integer, Integer> intPair1;
      GenericPair<String, String> stringPair2;
      Object stringPairObject = stringPair;
      Object intPairObject = intPair;
      intPair1 = (GenericPair<Integer, Integer>)intPair;
      //Compiler error: Makes sense two different types
      //intPair1 = (GenericPair<Integer, Integer>)stringPair;
      //Succeeds at compile time and run time
      intPair1 = (GenericPair<Integer, Integer>)stringPairObject;
      intPair1 = (GenericPair)stringPair;
      //fails at run time as getFirst() returns a string
      //tries to convert it to an int
      //int first = intPair1.getFirst();

what is ::new in java

Search for: what is ::new in java

Here is a broader discussion on :: syntax at SOF

Method references are documented here

Various java tutorials are here

Lambda expression trail on oracle is here

Comparators are documented here

Collections framework is documented here


	private void test4()
		List<Person> peopleList = Person.createRoster();
		System.out.println("Test4: sorted by age:" + peopleList);

//In Person class
    public static int compareByAge(Person a, Person b) {
        return a.birthday.compareTo(b.birthday);



    * Method reference by an instance method: (Type::instanceMethod) 
    * It is an instance method
    * but no object is around
    * it assumes any arbitrary object
    * Notice how this instance method takes only one argument
   private void test5()
      List<Person> peopleList = Person.createRoster();
      System.out.println("Test5: sorted by age:" + peopleList);

//In the Person class
//Notice the single argument 
public int instMethodCompareByAge(Person b)
   return birthday.compareTo(b.birthday);


   private void test6()
      Person anyPerson = Person.createFred();
      List<Person> peopleList = Person.createRoster();
      System.out.println("Test6: sorted by age:" + peopleList);

//In Person class
//Notice 2 arguments as if it is static method
//Also implies usually such a method stays
//outside in a utility object instance

    public int instUtilityMethodCompareByAge(Person a, Person b)
       return a.birthday.compareTo(b.birthday);

You can find some of these samples on Github here

Person class is here on Github

Lets talk about ::new now

Person(String nameArg, LocalDate birthdayArg,
            Sex genderArg, String emailArg) {
            name = nameArg;
            birthday = birthdayArg;
            gender = genderArg;
            emailAddress = emailArg;

//Consider these constructors on a Type

//will match
IFunction() -> constructor()
IFunction1() -> constructor1(arg1)
IFunction2() -> constructor2(arg1,arg2)

//One Type
//Many functional interfaces

public interface FIPersonCreator {
   public Person get(String nameArg, LocalDate birthdayArg,
                  Sex genderArg, String emailArg); 

public static Person createFredWitFI() {
       //Get a function pointer to a suitable constructor
       FIPersonCreator pcFi = Person::new;
       //Notice the get function
        return pcFi.get(
    , 6, 20),
              "[email protected]");

public interface FIPersonCreatorExperimental {
   public Person get(String nameArg, LocalDate birthdayArg,
            Sex genderArg, String emailArg); 

   default FIPersonCreatorExperimental afterThat(Consumer<Person> inCp)
      //These local variables are kept with the return function
      //like a closure!!
      //Remember who you are
      FIPersonCreatorExperimental original = this;
      //To test maintenance of scope
      String testString = "hello";
      //To pass the person object back to the caller's desire
      Consumer<Person> cp = inCp;
      //Return an encapsulated function
      //that adheres to the same interface
      //this is at core interception
      return   (String nameArg, LocalDate birthdayArg,
            Sex genderArg, String emailArg) -> {
            Person p = original.get(nameArg, birthdayArg, genderArg, emailArg);
            System.out.println("Inner stuff: " + testString);
            return p;

//To test default methods that can be used
   //to intercept or alter the original behavior.
   private void test8()
      //Get a function that can create a person
      FIPersonCreatorExperimental fip = (Person::new);
      //What do you want once the person is created
      //say that
      Consumer<Person> cp = (p) -> {
         System.out.println("From Test8: " + p);
      //Now you can do this
      //Notice that the person is printed
      //every time it is created
      Person person = createPerson(fip.afterThat(cp));
      System.out.println("From Test8: at the end:" + person);
      //afterThat returns the same interface as "fip"
      //and hides the original "fip" in the belly
   private Person createPerson(FIPersonCreatorExperimental creator)
      return creator.get("Fred",
    , 6, 20),
              "[email protected]");

Default methods, here, return lambda functions of the same signature, like a camouflage