Project CMS-1


Develop a basic web application to manage contacts on a web site. We start with a simple set of screens and a database design. In future projects this can be expanded to incorporate more advanced concepts.

The web site will have two screens. A summary screen and a detail screen. The summary screen will list all the contacts from a contact table. You can choose either all the columns to display or a partial set of columns. When the user clicks on the name of a contact the user will be taken to a detail screen. The detail screen will have all the fields of the contact. All the fields that make sense will be editable. The user can edit these fields. The use can update the contact in the database. If the update is successful, the user will be taken back to the first summary screen. If there is any error on the server side the user will be directed to the same detail page with the error. The detail screen should also validate any mandatory inputs using javascript.

Data model

Contacts (table name)
	contact_id (unique primary key)
	last_updated_on (date)
	last_updated_by (string:userid)
	created_by (string:userid)
	created_on (date)


1. Microsoft Access mdb file with the table defined in it
2. Populate that table with 10 contacts
3. Summary screen
4. Detail screen
5. Complete web site where you can list and update any of the records


1. Install tomcat and test it
2. Install aspire and test it 

Aspire Deliverables

1). \aspire-install-dir\
2). mdb file for access and its JDBC definition
3). The necessary SQL statements will be in the properties files	


1. kf: akc/aspire-j2ee-xml/howto
2. 30 minute guide
3. step by step guide to design your screens