Scoping of variables in Javascript

Little bit of research on this and that in javascript

Scoping of variables in Javascript

Search for: Scoping of variables in Javascript

an article I ran into

var xyz = "Global";
xyz = "Global as well";
function f()
    var xyz = "local, overrides the global one";
    var abc = "local. Not seen outside of the function";
    abc = "Global again, but available only after f() is called once";
    for (....)
       var blah = "No such thing as block level scope but only function level";

Makes the variable scope walk up the chain and declare it globally....

//call f()
//define f() later
function f() {}

//define f() later
function f() {}



var helloVariable = "xyz";


var helloVariable;
helloVariable = "xyz";

ECMA script introduced block level scoping through let and const

Search for: ECMA script introduced block level scoping through let and const

function f()
  var abc; //private; //public member available outside through new

function f()
  var abc; //private; //public member available outside through new
  var function privatef() 
     //private function
     //can use abc and xyz
  this.publicfunc = function publicf() 
     //public function
     //cannot see private varilabe abc????

function f()
  var abc; //private; //public
  this.that = this; //trozan horse

  this.publicfunc = function publicf() 
     //public function
     //cannot see private varilabe abc????
     //Now it can

Crockford on private functions

Private variables
Private functions
Public variables
Public functions
Public functions that get privileged through the "that" variable