Cloud, Salesforce, Amazon

Read this, summarize, explore: here is the link

Rackspace overview

GoGrid: another cloud company

Windows Azure

Search for: Windows Azure

here is a link for azure

This may be a better link for azure

amazon cloud windows servers

Search for: amazon cloud windows servers

Here is an aws link

This is really nice. I like this. Amazon go

I can have an express sql server for free for less that 10G

excellent Amazon!!

books on ec2 windows

Search for: books on ec2 windows

aws vs azure

Search for: aws vs azure

Documentation for ec2

SQL Server Express
Local storage
ability to send email out

remote admin

Getting Started with Amazon EC2 Windows Instances

AWS windows instance limitations?

Search for: AWS windows instance limitations?

This is a really nice FAQ for AWS


what are AWS AMIs (Amazon Machine Images)?

Search for: what are AWS AMIs (Amazon Machine Images)?

instance types
root devices
EBS (Elastic Block Storage)
Availability zone
Reserved instance market place
On Demand and Spot instances
Import/export virtual machines

Can I install new software on AWS windows instance?

Search for: Can I install new software on AWS windows instance?

What on earth is elasitc beanstalk

This answers a key question: can i install my own apps

The doc seem to say install your apps and create a VMI from it to spawn instances.

Instance store vs EBS

someone attempts at this before

building windows machines in aws

Search for: building windows machines in aws

Here is a high level topics deck on AWS from stanford

Various cloud based companies

Lot of inside enough from a private cloud company

Here is a cloud pitch from Google

MYSQL Offering from Google Cloud