July 2012

3 years of searching, so far I haven't found a single good book on OpenGL. Especially on the newer ES 2.0 (using shading language). I just ordered two books from Amazon. I am expecting to be disappointed. I will keep you posted. It is especially hard on Android as OpenGL books are focusing on windows or mac as their build and test platforms. It is hard on Android to extend those examples to try out. It is just terrible!!

take a look at this: http://code.google.com/p/rokon/

opengl es 2.0 books

Search for: opengl es 2.0 books

I picked up this book from Borders. It looked interesting and well written. However it relies heavily on prebuilt libraries which ends up hiding the basics required to write your own code using a different platform such as Android.

So I am still looking for a good book.

Shading language is essential for new OpenGL including ES 2.0. I would like to buy this book. Comes highly recommended.

Show images for: opengl shading language

Someones blog on opengl books

Considered the bible among the opengl books. This edition covers 3.0 and 3.1 of OpenGL.

Show images for: OpenGL programming guide

Comes from the spec editors and other sundry experts. I still have low hopes as I may still have to do lot of ground work translating the material to Android. OpenGL is supposed to be fun!!!


Covers ES 2.0. Lot of examples. Appears to be a good source. More focus on examples. Not as much on concepts/theory.

All OpenGL books on Amazon ordered by sales

A free opengl book: http://openglbook.com/

Don't know how good it is. will keep you posted.

Here is the scope, definition and specs for OpenGL ES: http://www.khronos.org/opengles/

For example here is their ES 3.0 Spec PDF file

Rendrman Companion by Steve Upstill

Rendrman Companion by Steve Upstill is still the first reference that I point my students to - Mike Bailey's foreword to OpenGL Shading Language by Randi Rost, et. all

Mike Bailey, OSU

Search for: Mike Bailey, OSU

Jim Blinn, Bump Mapping

Search for: Jim Blinn, Bump Mapping

The design of the opengl graphics interface by Mark Segal and Kurt Ashley: PDF

Here appears to be another online opengl book

High-Quality Volume Graphics on Consumer PC Hardware: PDF


Interactive volume visualization in science and entertainment is no longer restricted to expensive workstations and dedicated hardware thanks to the fast evolution of consumer graphics driven by entertainment markets. Course participants will learn to leverage new features of modern graphics hardware to build high-quality volume rendering applications using OpenGL. Beginning with basic texture-based approaches, the algorithms are improved and expanded incrementally, covering illumination, non-polygonal isosurfaces, transfer function design, interaction, volumetric effects, and hardware accelerated filtering. The course is aimed at scientific researchers and entertainment developers. Course participants are provided with documented source code covering details usually omitted in publications


Markus Hadwiger
Joe M. Kniss
Klaus Engel
Christof Rezk-Salama