is source code for android.jar available

a note on debugging

home page of android source distribution

Getting android.jar source code (for windows): a discussion

Download the android.jar source tar zip file from git directly

where to search for the source code of android java package

Source code for SkMatrix.cpp

SkMatrix.h file

Sometimes you may want to debug into external jar files. You may have acquired the sources for the jar file separately from the binary jar. In such cases you can use the following process to indicate the sources to eclipse so that at debugging time you can step into the source files.

Look for the jar that you have source for in the "Referenced Libraries" underneath your project in the project explorer. Expand "Referenced Libraries" by opening the plus sign.

Click on the jar file and right click for properties. You will see an option called "Java Source Attachment". Specify the path or the jar file of the source here.

These steps may vary depending on the eclipse release. However bottomline is that you can attach source to an existing jar.

Occasionally though, the source options for a jar are turned off, as the jar file is indicated as an immutable system library. In such cases you may want to drop or remove the jar file and that library and explicitly add it as a user library as if you are attaching that jar yourself and then proceed to attach source code to it.

Eclipse FAQ

See this code search facility if useful

here is stackoverflow discussion on this topic

I am no longer able to access the git site directly. The http to the git repository is rediected to a help page to download the distribution.

There are also rumors that google search code project may not be available starting Jan 2012.

May have to bite the bullet and get the "git" client for windows and may be "repo" tool as well.

android git source http redirected, why??

Search for: android git source http redirected, why??

Use this link to download and use git from windows to download specific androir repositories

Looks like the online browsing is temporarily not avaiable from google at this time. It is expected to be made available in a few weeks to a few months.

meanwhile one can use "google code search". However even that site doesnt seem to be searching the latest 4.0 repositories

So this link will help you with

what is git
how to install git
how download the names of android repositories
how to download (git clone) each repository
miscellaneous links to other research items