class ContextDictionaryHolder
   public static IDictionary s_contextDictionary = null;
      String aspireContext = ServletUtils.getWebApplicationContext();
      if (aspireContext == null) aspireContext = "";
      HashMap m = new HashMap();
      //Place other context related information into this dictionary
      //Finally hold that in a dictionary
      s_contextDictionary = new MapDictionary(m);
   }//end of function
}//end of class

More on static initialization

public class SQLQuoter 
   private static ITranslator sqlQuoteTranslator = null;
      sqlQuoteTranslator = SQLArgSubstitutor.getQuoteTranslator();
      if (sqlQuoteTranslator == null)
         throw new RuntimeException("Cannot get Quote Translator object");
    * Take a string and quote the string
    * depending on the database being used.
   public static String quote(String inS)
      assert(sqlQuoteTranslator != null);
      return sqlQuoteTranslator.translateString(inS);