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Seafood makes me itch - Why?

I don't know where you are getting the shrimp but the majority of shrimp you buy is previously frozen. The large shrimp boats freeze the shrimp as they catch it. Only if you are at the coast and buying direct from a small shrimper, can you be sure it isn't frozen. If it is dead shrimp that you buy from a local shrimper, they sometimes wash the shrimp in clorox to "freshen" it. Watch for that smell and watch for darkening on the shrimp. I prefer to get shrimp frozen or still wiggling. I have a choice half the year for the wigglers. I don't buy frozen from a small shrimper since often that is the end of the catch that they freeze in hopes of saving it after freshening it.

- Susan: An onlineposter

Just a note on scallops, some retailers use skate or sting ray to mimic scallops. If they are perfect rounds and you can't find or see the attaching muscle that's a clue. Skate and sting ray are delicious, just much cheaper than scallop.

It may be a chemical they are using that gets you. Rinse but don't soak your seafood since they will absorb the rinse water, You can still get heads on shrimp that is frozen but that's should be great since they are usually fresher than the dead never frozen shrimp and less likely to have chemicals added. Most of the frozen shrimp I get is heads on. If the head looks good then I know they are fresh frozen. Many times a small shrimper will dehead old shrimp since the head is the first to spoil. Susan

Again, look at sodium metabisulfate. It is used for both shrimp and scallops, and might well wash off to some extent.

- Larry : an online poster
