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JSP and Aspire page

1. JSTL page at Sun

2. A JSTL primer + expression language

3. A JSTL primer part 2: flow etc

Not sure how good the above links are. I will post a future note when I find out.

When an included jsp file gets changed it might not trigger a compile of the parent files.

How can I tell an appserver to do that? Is there a way to set the mode so that all the dependent files are recompiled? Or is there a way to force a recompile short of deleting the jsp temp directory.

On the jsp page you specify a "taglib" directive and idenfity a "uri" and a "prefix"

   uri: string
   prefix: string

Based on the uri the web.xml will have a node

   taglib-location: /web-inf/taglib.tld

The taglib location can point to a jar file as well ex:


Basic tag lib examples

apache taglibs home

These can be placed as children of the meta-inf sub directory in the jar file. In 1.1 only one tld is allowed. Multiple tlds are allowed in 1.2 spec.

They can also be in a sub directory of the meta-inf

They can also be in the web-inf or a subdirectory of it. It is not recommended that they are in web-inf/lib or web-inf/classes.

The tld path that goes into the web.xml should be pointing to a jar or a relative path starting the web app root.

tld files will be loaded from web-inf and its sub directories. They will also be loaded from all the jar files with in web-inf/lib directory.

Implication is that you don't have to specify the taglib maps as long as they are in the jar file. The "uri" that is present in the tlds will perform the binding. It is possible some containers may still require an explicit web.xml binding from a uri to a tld file.

Get the JSP 2.0 specification and look for

7.3.1 Identifying tag library descriptors
RequestDispatcher dispatcher 
    = request.getRequestDispatcher(relativeUrl);
dispatcher.forward(request, aResponse);

Here are more details about forward in the api

forward should be called before the response has been committed to the client (before response body output has been flushed). If the response already has been committed, this method throws an IllegalStateException. Uncommitted output in the response buffer is automatically cleared before the forward.

The pathname specified to the request dispatcher may be relative, although it cannot extend outside the current servlet context. If the path begins with a "/" it is interpreted as relative to the current context root. This method returns null if the servlet container cannot return a RequestDispatcher.