How to use the exercise

Read combination sounds

Read words

Write an extra word for that sound


Underline the Grade




ir    : bird, dirt, first, ____________
ea    : meat, neat, leap, ____________
ear   : fear, dear, near,  ____________
ai    : pain, gain, fair, ____________
sh    : she, sheat, fish, ____________
ow    : cow, how, now,  ____________
ow    : bow, low, mow,  ____________
igh   : light, might, ____________
cious : delicious, gracious, ____________
tion  : motion, lotion, ____________
ing   : ring, sing, ding, ____________
ew    : few, new, ____________
ould  : could, would, should, ____________
ou    : loud, sound, bound, ____________
ge    : Rage, page, gentle, ____________