ramp velocities

potential energy: mgh
kinetic energy = (1/2)mv**2
v = sqrt(2gh)

value of gravity

Search for: value of gravity

9.81 m/s2 (meters per second squared)
32.17 ft/s2

Here is google calculator

Search for: 32.17 feet in inches

That is 386 inches

So "g"in inches is 386 inches per square second

sqrt(2 * 386 * 10) inches

lets ask google for it

Search for: sqrt(2 * 386 * 10)

The answer is 87 feet per second

Type the following in a cell

=SQRT(2 * 386 * B4)

The "B4" represents another cell whose value you are using. This is shown here as a pattern of entering formulas in excel spreadsheets.


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