

See how the value of "session.somekey" is also made available as "session_somekey". Same is true with key2 and key3.

The remedy for key names with a "." in them

Aspire substitution has a special meaning for a period in a key value. Especially while substituting for sql statements it assumes that the right of the "." is a function name. Although it could have been better architected, in the current release that is how it is. You can use this copyParametersPart to circumvent this.

The idea is to copy the key as a different key name and use that new key name instead as your substitution key.

Source code

package com.ai.parts;

import com.ai.application.interfaces.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.ai.application.utils.*;
import com.ai.data.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import com.ai.common.*;

 * Copy/renamae parameters for downstream
 * Additional property file arguments
 * 1. originalNames: comma separated list of key names that needs to be copied from
 * 2. newNames: comma separated list of keys to which the above key values will be copied to
 * Output
 * 1.resultName: true if successful, exception otherwise

public class CopyParametersPart extends AFactoryPart
    protected Object executeRequestForPart(String requestName, Map inArgs)
            throws RequestExecutionException
          String originalNames = AppObjects.getValue(requestName + ".originalNames");
          String newNames = AppObjects.getValue(requestName + ".newNames");

          Vector vOrig = Tokenizer.tokenize(originalNames,",");
          Vector vNew = Tokenizer.tokenize(newNames,",");

          //for each original name
          // read the value
         // put it under the new name as well
          int i=0;
          for(Enumeration e=vOrig.elements();e.hasMoreElements();i++)
             String origName = (String)e.nextElement();
             if (origName == null) continue;

             Object origValue = inArgs.get(origName.toLowerCase());
             if (origValue == null)
                AppObjects.log("Warn:value not found for key:" + origName);
             String newName = (String)vNew.elementAt(i);
         return new Boolean(true);
       catch(ConfigException x)
          throw new RequestExecutionException("Error:config error",x);