Samsung Chromebook is hugely Underwhelming!

satya - 8/28/2013 12:49:15 PM

I dont know why I bought this at 250$ but I did

I dont know why I bought this at 250$ but I did

satya - 8/28/2013 12:49:40 PM

I figured i use to peruse before bed

I figured i use to peruse before bed

satya - 8/28/2013 12:51:02 PM

Significant usability issues

Screen resolution is awful
Screen size is too small
Reading quality is poor
It should be a touch screen and it is not!
The track pad is awful
Scrolling down with two fingers is super choppy

satya - 8/28/2013 12:52:01 PM

what it should be

much bigger screen
much better brightness
much better scrolling
touch screen