(Important, Signficant, and possibly authoritative) Information that was buried in niche human conclaves is rising to the surface through the combination of YouTube and Ted. These two are an incredible mix. I believe this pair will bring a new era of positive knowledge and also expedite the research, at least by contagion.

I have watched a few sessions on diet based on my search in youtube "Ted Diet". I will list the ones below in a minute that are remarkably relevant to all of us.

The question these sessions try to answer is "Can we heal through diet"?

The answer, if we were to believe even 50% of it, is very very very encouraging and hopeful.

Documenting these sessions here is a reminder to myself and if you happen to run into them, I consider this effort my good deed for the day.

Video posts follow

satya - Wed Dec 19 2012 07:30:32 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Discover YouTube for sessions on Ted Diet by clicking on the link below

Search for: Ted Diet YouTube

satya - Wed Dec 19 2012 07:31:04 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

William Li on Androgenesis Ted YouTube Video

Search for: William Li on Androgenesis Ted YouTube Video

satya - Wed Dec 19 2012 07:32:36 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

YouTube Video: William Li: Can we eat to Starve Cancer?

William Li: Can we eat to Starve Cancer?

satya - Wed Dec 19 2012 07:33:05 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Terry Wahls on Hunter Gatherer Diet on YouTube

Search for: Terry Wahls on Hunter Gatherer Diet on YouTube

satya - Wed Dec 19 2012 07:36:40 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

YouTube Video: Terry Wahls: Minding your Mitochondria

Terry Wahls: Minding your Mitochondria

This is a compelling plea to convince the influence of food on health. Specifically she talks about brain health and what foods are good (more like ESSENTIAL). I am glad I ran into this.

She chose hunter/gatherer diet to achieve a remarkable recovery. You can derive a series of foods and list them to allow into your own diet.

satya - Wed Dec 19 2012 07:38:38 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Dean Ornish Healing through Diet on YouTube

Search for: Dean Ornish Healing through Diet on YouTube

satya - Wed Dec 19 2012 07:39:09 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Link to YouTube Video: Dean Ornish: Healing through Diet

Dean Ornish: Healing through Diet

satya - Wed Dec 19 2012 07:41:52 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Key Dean Ornish message

Diet has SIGNIFICANT impact on heart ailments
Diet has SIGNIFICANT impact on heart Cancer
Dean has results to show
Take fish oil daily..and other important foods
Make friendships (especially and including intimate ones)
Understand to quieten the mind