Soon, I am sure this name will slip my fishnet brain. I should make an attempt to remember. His name is Julio Diaz. Perhaps a detour before that.

I dislike book critics especially the flowery praise they so generously dish out

Target is not a place I am fond of. For every birthday I end up buying two gifts: one for my 5 year old and another for who ever the birthday happens to be. On one such run I saw a book prominently displayed on the shelf. A book that has about 1000 pages. I gave up on critics, especially book and movie ones. The praise is so diluted I should not bother to read the reviews. While the mind is idle, eyes involuntarily scans. This book is recommended by Oprah's book club. I have never read any thing that is recommended from them. And I am luke warm to the O magazine so I picked the 1000 pages, at 30 dollars, up.

What is it worth

I have read through the racy book over three weeks. I am glad, at least it was not boring, although it was well pandering to the vice, intrigue, and the good. I could disavow the book with out much of a qualm but for one page. I felt this one page is worth reading the whole book for.

Remigius: The deliverer

Remigius is plotting to become the Prior of the Kingsbridge Priory. He undermines the rightful Philip through a difficult set of circumstances. As luck would have it in the end he was exposed and expelled from the Priory. Sometime later as Philip and his Apprentice Tommy were travelling on horseback they ran into someone searching for food. They recognize Remigius and Philip offers him wine and bread much to the disliking of Tommy. Philip in his kindness offers Remigius to come back to the Priory. Remigius wonders in return in what position. Philip points out the inhumility and offers Remigius to come as a monk and live the rest of life with out authority but humility. After much thought Remigius agrees to join the Priory. Remigius recognizes the weight of the offer despite the evil things that he had done to Philip. The realization is not affected but truthful.

Philip offers the physically weekend Remigius his horse to follow the rest of the way. Tommy wonders aloud how Philip is going to get back to the Priory. With only two horses, and both being occupied now, Philip points to the obvious that he would be walking. To his protests Philip tells his apprentice that more than a thousand righteous men, one that truly changed his mind for the better, is more in glory.

An unlikely pair

New York and an immigrant: Neither are in vogue at the moment. I have heard this on NPR. On his way home every night Julio Diaz would get off the subway and eat in a diner and head home. Not much is known to me about him other than this. On one such nights on an empty platform a teenager mugs him for his wallet. Wallet has changed pockets. Julio says as the teenager walks away, "It is a cold night, you could use my jacket if you are thinking of mugging a few more!". The teenager stops and wonders why. Julio says "If you are willing to give up your freedom for a few dollars, you must be really in need of money!". He then offers him to walk with him and have dinner with him. During dinner the teenager wonders if Julio owned the place. But Julio was merely a customer but a friend as well as the two roles did not contradict. He was surprised Julio was nice even to the dishwasher. Things worked out themselves in the end.


I have puzzled what school did Julio go to for his education? Wonder how Julio would fare in intelligence tests? Wondered if he followed the 7 habbits of the most successful people? Wondered if he owned a pair of Air Jordans? How did he manage to dispatch so much beauty with so little green involved?

satya - Saturday, March 29, 2008 2:30:49 PM

StoryCorps page for Julio Diaz

StoryCorp page for Julio Diaz